
This is an automatically generated report using the latest information and does not validate any information before publishing the results. Only "signal" or at most "provisional" estimates will be provided.

It uses daily data provided by 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE and makes no adjustments. Then, live data from Worldometers is used to update only the totals and see last hour data.

As forecast models have already appeared on this topic, we will try to make a dynamic model, which will be updated daily (so the current posting changes daily) starting from the modeling of better developed countries, that could apply to Romania's forecasts. A dynamic model of confirmed cases should give us a better insight of the economic impact of the virus.

New information as at 2023-03-09 based on 676,570,149 confirmed cases worldwide (6,921,172 deaths, 7 deaths today, on 177,325 new confirmed cases worldwide in the last day)

           Country       Sum LastDay TwoDays   Newly  Deaths Recovered      Tests
 1:             US 103802702   46931   64861 3429740 1167190 105368884 1180600368
 2:          India  44690738     440     379  302652  531893  44459514  930797975
 3:         France  39866718    6308    6111  256821  167548  39912343  271490188
 4:        Germany  38249060    7829    9621  179625  174352  38240600  122332384
 5:         Brazil  37076053       0       0  563271  703399  36249161   63776166
 6:          Japan  33320438    9834   11805  483134   74694         0  100414883
 7:   Korea, South  30615522   10335   10890 1289145   34893  31668618   15804065
 8:          Italy  25603510       0       0  283934  190706  25580707  273261725
 9: United Kingdom  24658705   28783      76       0  226278  24389635  522526476
10:         Russia  22075858   12385   12253  873385  399339  22389297  273400000
11:         Turkey  17042722       0       0  189344  102174         0  162743369
12:          Spain  13770429       0       0  134619  121622  13740203  471036328
13:        Vietnam  11526994       0       8   92328   43206  10639805   85826548
14:      Australia  11399460   13926       0  273307   21463  11609163   81916639
15:      Argentina  10044957       0       0    9294  130509   9923742   35716069
16:        Taiwan*   9970937       0       0      NA      NA        NA         NA
17:    Netherlands   8712835       0       0       0   22992   8587380   25984435
18:           Iran   7572311     315     644   39969  146290   7367866   56782369
19:         Mexico   7483444    3809    4416  145825  334266   6881069   20013810
20:      Indonesia   6738225     307     312   72903  161844   6639565  114158919
21:         Poland   6444960    3459    3903   72630  119623   5335940   38772511
22:       Colombia   6359093       0     861   10823  142780   6190683   36951507
23:        Austria   5961143    5283    6442  118875   22523   6053377  211273524
24:        Ukraine   5711929     111    9859       0  112418   5440613   32603805
25:       Portugal   5570473       0    2389   20397   26824   5559035   46139518
26:         Greece   5548487       0       0  546863   37052   6046762  102228365
27:          Chile   5192286    3906    3798   95737   64497   5223415   49768667
28:       Malaysia   5044718     279     235   63868   37110   5053329   68360482
29:          China   4903524       0       0       0   19091   3261671   76127725
30:         Israel   4803824     660    1662   23816   12552   4798473   41373364
31:        Belgium   4739365   11570       0   61394   34364   4763677   37018657
32:       Thailand   4728182       0       0   19570   34232   4692636   17270775
33:        Czechia   4618256    1142    1169   24281   42807   4599361   57225661
34:         Canada   4617095    4041     835   67361   52751   4619393   66343123
35:           Peru   4487553       0     619   20343  220695   4287201   38753114
36:    Switzerland   4413911       0       0       0   14452   4390467   23833472
37:    Philippines   4077452     150     119   81858   66482   4083967   35381460
38:   South Africa   4067067     426     597    9396  102595   3912506   26795090
39:        Denmark   3451036     139     140       0    8741   3173212  129295908
40:        Romania   3346046       0       0   60123   68217   3335980   27587658
41:         Sweden   2699339     804       0   12332   24489   2685341   19500873
42:       Slovakia   2667551     262     374       0   21167   1845690    7432749
43:         Serbia   2500142     873     954   43043   18057   2523465   12992295
44:           Iraq   2465545       0       0       0   25375   2439497   19544451
45:    New Zealand   2236114       1       0  160951    4448   2384172    7768604
           Country       Sum LastDay TwoDays   Newly  Deaths Recovered      Tests

Note. Last four columns are from Worldometers. Newly represents the difference from live data to last day data.

Choosing a model for different country based solely on that country's data.

The first step is to find the best ARIMA model for every country. Keep in mind that the confirmed cases depend on the tests done prior getting the results, not on the direct impact the virus develops naturally.

Note that Romania can be very small at the bottom due to development similar to US, but back in 2023-06-17

Romania's case based on different models

Now we will try to forecast Romania's evolution on different assumptions. The most important information is to test if the confidence intervals (dotted lines) get broken by the new results. The plot uses semi-transparent colors to allow for overlapping.

On 2020-03-25 Spain and Italy were poised to the same model (Italy+). US will surpass all other countries. Clearly all aver the world people are tested more than in the past. Romania's cases will double before 2020-04-04.

On 2020-03-27 Germany and US were poised to the same model (US+). Romania has none of the models (neither US+ nor Brazil+).

On 2020-03-28 Russia entered in the picture, just behind Romania. I'll bet they will have an unique model, don't you agree?

On 2020-04-03 Romania started to test at normal capacity. The model should converge to a stable one.

On 2020-06-03 The analysis takes into consideration last 100 days.

As we reached 10 milion cases worldwide, Romania's model got a drift!

On 2020-09-08 Italy was replaced by Brazil and Spain by India.

Updated: 2023-06-18 23:44:14

Valentin Cornaciu
Valentin Cornaciu

My research interests include insurance, finance, audit, pricing.
